Ask Annie
With Anne Fisher
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October 24, 2008, 12:19 pm
How to get a job for the holidays – and beyond

Retailers plan to take on even fewer seasonal workers than truth about enzyte they did last fall, which was not such a hot hiring season either, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Oct. 27 Ask Annie column. Are you looking for a seasonal job this year? Got any tips for finding one - or for turning it into a permanent one?
Filed under Holiday jobs, Job hunting, Job interviews, Part-time work
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October 23, 2008, 4:14 pm
Laid-off banker? Where to job hunt

Now that Goldman Sachs says it will lay off 10% of its employees, there will be 3,260 more bankers pounding the pavement, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Oct. 23 Ask Annie column. Have you been laid off from a Wall Street job? Any advice for laid-off bankers?
Filed under Job hunting, Layoff, Wall Street
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October 21, 2008, 10:32 am
How to jumpstart a new career

The average employee now changes jobs 7 to 10 times in a career, with at least two or three of those moves being jumps to a completely different kind of business, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Oct. 21 Ask Annie column. Have you ever made the leap to a job in a different industry where you had no previous experience? Any tips on how to do it right (or how not to)?
Filed under Uncategorized
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September 29, 2008, 11:21 am
Leave now - or risk getting laid off?

Once a company has announced plans to cut its headcount, employees face a tricky choice, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Sept. 30 Ask Annie column. What should employees facing a layoff threat do and what should they avoid at all costs? Have you ever jumped ship in advance of a layoff - or stayed on board too long?
Filed under Changing jobs, Job hunting, Layoff, job-hunting sites
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September 25, 2008, 4:30 pm
How to deliver bad financial news

Announcing lousy results is never a day at the beach, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Sept. 26 Ask Annie column. Ever had to deliver bad news to a stressed-out audience? Or have you been on the receiving end? Got any suggestions for how to do it (or how not to)?
Filed under Executives, Layoff, Office politics
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September 17, 2008, 8:28 am
Talkback: How to deal with ‘desk rage’

The economy is in a slump and pink slips are flying in workplaces across America. No wonder employees are as stressed out as ever. And they’re lashing out - at coworkers, at bosses - writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Sept. 17 Ask Annie column.

Have tensions and tantrums increased at your shop lately? How do you cope with a short-tempered coworker (or boss)?
Filed under Uncategorized
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August 28, 2008, 9:19 am
Don’t sabotage your job hunt: 6 tips

If you lose your job, you shouldn’t immediately start calling and e-mailing your network and answering Internet job ads, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her August 28 Ask Annie column. Understandable as that course of action is, she writes, it’s unlikely to get you into the job you want.

What mistakes have you made when job hunting? Have you ever taken a job you knew was wrong for you -and, if so, are you still in it? What have you seen friends or colleagues do to sabotage their searches? If you’ve landed on your feet after a layoff, how did you do it?
Filed under Changing jobs, Job hunting, Job interviews, Outplacement
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August 13, 2008, 4:56 pm
How persuasive are you?

They’re often at the top of companies, or in sales — those lucky people who seem to be born persuasive, with a seemingly magical ability that makes others listen to them, trust them, and act on what they say. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t nearly as skilled at influencing others as we think we are, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her August 14 Ask Annie column. Have you been able to win over a reluctant boss (or client, or co-worker) to your point of view? How did you do it? What hasn’t worked? What persuasion techniques do you find effective - or not - when people use them on you?
Filed under Office politics, Sales
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August 7, 2008, 12:55 pm
Where the big jobs are

Despite the slump at lowlier levels of the job market, there’s currently a war for senior management talent, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her August 8 Ask Annie column. Where is the most job growth for senior-level positions now? Would you relocate for the right job opportunity? If you’ve ever moved for a job, how did it work out? Any regrets, or tips for those who may be considering moving? Where do you wish you were working? Do you see jobs available for high-level positions?
Filed under Changing jobs, Executives, Job hunting, Relocating
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August 1, 2008, 10:00 am
How to find the right career coach

Anyone can call himself or herself a career coach (or a life coach), and many thousands of people do, writes Fortune’s Anne Fisher in her Aug. 8 Ask Annie column. Have you ever hired a career coach? How did it work out? Any advice for others who might be considering a coach?
Filed under Changing jobs, Job hunting, Moving up
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